My featured media is called Microsoft Surface 2.0. This is a desk like surface that has a touch screen that allows business people and clients to interact. The surface responds to real world objects, and supports more than 50 contemporaneous inputs. You have the choice of using it as a table, on the wall, or possibly put in fixtures and furniture. The surface is an extension on the every day sales person. It allows people to not only know what they are buying but also see it. An every day sales person can give you all the information about the product and maybe allow you to see a proto type. With the surface they are able to see the good or service being bought and change the color shape, or any other aspect to see what it would look like. On top of that they are able to see price changes, while they make their alterations. The technology allows people to be much more engaged by using videos, photos, and maps. The surface can figure out numbers and certain equations that you need. You are able to shop along side your customer with many more options and personalized shopping. The Microsoft surface stores all the information that you need and has the ability to organize it in a manner that you want.